September 2022

Quantum Newsletter - SEPTEMBER 2022

Greater Vancouver Regional Science Fair

Quantum Academy would like to encourage students ranging from grade 7 to grade 12 to participate in the yearly Greater Vancouver Regional Science Fair happening this upcoming Spring. The science fair is a prominent event that encompasses 10 school districts in the Lower Mainland and that welcomes students from private, public, and home school education. It is open to over 100,000 students and it is a non-profit charitable organization hosted by volunteers passionate about science, technology, arts, and mathematics (STEM).

The event itself holds historical significance in North America as it has inspired children to be innovative, practical, and hands-on with their ideas. Therefore, the science fair is highly esteemed within the education system.
In 2020 and 2021, the science fair shifted to an online format due to the COVID-19 pandemic, however this year, the event will be applying a hybrid model of virtual and in-person.

Within the science fair, students will invest in personal research projects in which they must collect, analyze, organize, and ensure the accuracy of their data. At the end, students will present their project to the judges. 

Science Fair Details:

  • September 2022: Discuss with the school's science teacher regarding applying for the Greater Vancouver Regional Science Fair
  • March 2023: Apply for the Greater Vancouver Regional Science Fair
  • April 2023: Attend the science fair competition
Please contact Quantum Academy at, or by giving us a call at 604-279-6889 for more information.

American Computer Science League (ACSL)

Every year, the American Computer Science League (ACSL) hosts computer science and programming competitions across the globe for ambitious high school students. With over 40-years of history, ACSL has designed a team competition divided into two parts, short answer questions and programming questions, in which students must complete within the span of 72 hours. 

ACSL Competition details:

  • Students can participate with their school, however to do so, their teacher must register for the participants. The school can choose to register one group or multiple groups, but each student can only compete in one of the groups. 
  • After the teacher registers, they will receive an instruction manual which details the specifics of the competition and guides students in preparing for it. Practice questions can also be found on ACSL's official website along with the syllabus. 
  • Afterwards, the teacher will receive an email which contains 5 short answer questions and programming questions. The teacher must schedule an appropriate time within the week for the group to complete the competition questions. 
  • Note that each group receives a different set of questions. 
  • Between December 2022 and May 2023, there will be a total of 4 opportunities to attend this competition. 
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