July 2022

Quantum Newsletter - JULY 2022

University Application 20-Week Program

We are excited to announce the launch of our Extraordinary University Application 20-Week Program! This plan is geared towards students going into Grade 12. Not only will students be able to get a head start on researching universities and majors, but they will also be given a timetable that is specifically tailored for their success. We have already finished screening schools and setting up time management platforms for each student—now all there is left to do is to start the personal statement workshop, which will give students the practice they need to ace the essay questions on their university applications when it’s time to apply.
If you are interested in signing up for this program, please ask for consultation by sending us an email at info@qlearning.ca, or by giving us a call at

Quantum Academy x NPC Seminar


Thank you to all the parents who actively participated in the college application seminar held by Quantum Academy and the NPC Academy of Arts on July 9th!

Nowadays, the college admission process is more competitive than ever, and it takes a certain type of student to stand out from the crowd. Universities are looking for well-rounded individuals who harbour a passion for a variety of things, which means that students should start volunteering and taking part in extracurricular activities as soon as they can in order to build up their portfolios well in advance.


We would like to remind our students to please reach out to us when university applications roll around. At Quantum, we have a university application team dedicated to providing assistance to students who are nearing graduation or already working on their applications, and we want nothing more than to help you get into your dream school!

Graduation Celebration

Congratulations to the Extraordinary graduates of 2022! All of them received at least 4 offers from prestigious universities, and our university application team here at Quantum is incredibly proud to have been able to accompany each and every single one of them through this important step in their lives.


On the 22nd, nearly half of the 2022 graduates returned to their "alma mater" Quantum Academy to attend the graduation ceremony. Students who were unable to attend due to family visits or travel visited in advance to say goodbye to teachers and friends.


At the ceremony, Principal Rosa congratulated the students on their hard work, thanked parents for their continued support, and personally awarded Extraordinary scholarships to students of high academic standing. Graduates and parents took some time to recall the guidance and help provided by Principal Rosa and the Extraordinary team along the way. Joy, happiness, warmth, and a bittersweet sadness filled the entire venue, and it was an altogether unforgettable day.


We wish our graduates nothing but the best as they continue on their journeys, and we hope that they will come back and visit when given the chance!

Summer Camp

Now that July is wrapping up, we would like to give you a brief rundown of some of the exciting activities our students were able to partake in during our Arts and Literature Summer Camp program!


Week 1 was centered around Frida Kahlo, a legendary Mexican painter who is famous for her self portraits. Students learned how to observe their own appearances through an artistic lens and take note of their unique features, allowing them to create their own self portraits in Kahlo’s signature style. They were introduced to an oil-water separation technique for this project, which is a method that involves the use of oil-based crayons and watercolour or gouache paints. These paintings took a lot of time, patience, and care to complete, and we encourage you to take a look at some of our students’ marvellous pieces in the collage below!

During Week 2, students experimented more with mixed media design through the creation of masks inspired by Indigenous art. In Indigenous culture, masks are often used in rituals, dance performances, and at gatherings and celebrations. The process of mask carving itself is an incredibly important part of these traditions; the designs that are carved—which are mainly animal figures—hold a lot of symbolic weight, serving as representations of historical events, stories, and family ties. Students were encouraged to explore the use of different materials, such as cardboard, wood, or stone, and to experiment with colour in order to make their masks true to them.


Week 3 saw our students learning about Dutch post-impressionist painter Vincent van Gogh and trying their hand at replicating his famous Starry Night painting. This particular piece was one of the featured works at the Van Gogh exhibit, which was held last year in Vancouver. When you look at our students’ artwork, take note of their use of exaggerated lines, turbulent shapes, and dark, moody colours—elements that make the original Starry Night so interesting to observe.

Fall Schedule

Summer is coming to a close, which means it’s already time to start thinking about heading back to school! We’re offering our usual variety of Fall courses this coming September; please take a look at the timetables below and consider signing up now to get the Early Bird Discount. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to send us an email or give us a call at 604-279-6889. Spots fill up fast, so make sure to act soon if you are interested!

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August 2022


June 2022